Acclimating a bubble tip anemone to a new tank is one of the things you need to do right if you want it to survive.
Anemones are sensitive creatures, and many things can go wrong when they are introduced to a new environment.
Many beginners make the mistake of adding an anemone to a new tank. Even though the acclimation process is done correctly, the chances for the anemone to survive are low.
If you want to have a healthy and thriving bubble tip anemone in your reef tank, you need to do it right. Here is what you should do.

How do you introduce bubble tip anemone to a tank?
Bubble tip anemones tend to wander until they found the preferable place that suits them.
Adding a bubble tip anemone to an already stocked reef tank can present challenges. That’s why it’s so important to plan before you even think about adding an anemone.
Bubble tip anemones have a powerful sting that may hurt other corals. As an anemone move around, it can expose itself to dangers such as getting sucked into the pumps. Having an anemone guard is an excellent way to avoid that situation.
The best way to avoid all these problems regarding anemones is to set up a dedicated anemone tank. But let’s be honest, most of us are into mixed reefs, where we can explore the beauty of all kinds of organisms.
Is there a way to introduce a bubble tip anemone in a mixed reef tank?
Yes, there is.
Add the anemone first, let it settle, and later start introducing corals to the system. Now that you know how to introduce an anemone in a reef tank let’s see what you should do in the acclimation process.
See Also: What Are the Required Water Parameters for Bubble Tip Anemone

How to acclimate a bubble tip anemone?
Anemones are inverts, not corals, so their acclimation process may be slightly different. For example, anemones don’t need dipping. Not only they don’t need it, but it will most likely hurt them.
Never dip your anemones!
Temperature Acclimation
Before you add the bubble tip anemone, you need to acclimate to the temperature inside your tank.
Turn off the pumps and let the bag float for a half hour.
Temperature acclimation is very important for anemones. You should not skip this step if you want your bubble tip to survive.
Drip Acclimation
Drip acclimation is a controversial topic because some people are for it, and others are against it.
Drip acclimation is a great way to acclimate the anemone to your pH and salinity level, but extended periods of drip acclimation can stress the anemone even more.
See Also: How Big Do Bubble Tip Anemones Get
When can I add a bubble tip anemone?
When is the right time to add a bubble tip anemone to your reef tank?
Right away? After six months? Never?
The general consensus is to wait at least six months to add a bubble tip anemone to your reef tank. If you have patience, which you should have in this hobby, the longer you wait better.
Why do people always say that you need to wait that long? Why can’t we add an anemone right away? Here’s why:
Back in the old days’ many hobbyists started their tanks with live rocks from the ocean. Their tanks had great biodiversity from the very beginning.
Today, most people start their tanks with dry rocks and bottled bacteria.
We wait a couple of months for the tank to cycle, but the journey doesn’t stop there. A lot of things happen in our reef tanks after the initial cycle.
You are going to see algae bloom, large parameters swings, and new organisms popping out every day. It needs to pass a certain time for the tank to settle and mature.
That period usually lasts around a year, sometimes shorter, sometimes longer. In the coming years that tank won’t stop evolving and maturing.
Somewhere around the one-year mark, your tank should be ready for a bubble tip anemone.
See Also: Why Is My Bubble Tip Anemone Splitting
How long does it take a bubble tip anemone to settle?
After you add the bubble tip anemone to your tank, it will usually take a half-hour to an hour to attach its foot to the rock and settle in.
In the next few days, the anemone may walk around, inflate or deflate, and do other stuff that may look weird to you.
You don’t need to worry because that is normal. Let the anemone settle in and try to not bother it.
See Also: What is the Best Placement for Bubble Tip Anemone
Final Thoughts
Bubble tip anemones are hardy, beautiful, and make a great addition to every reef tank.
But if you are not prepared and your tank is not fully matured, you should not buy an anemone. In the first year, your tank will go through many changes. That type of environment is not suitable for an anemone.
There a people who had success in keeping anemones alive in new tanks, but they are exceptions rather than the rule.