Favia Coral: Care, Placement, Lighting (Complete Guide)

Today we are going to talk about Favia coral care. In addition, we’ll cover topics such as placement, lighting, growth and Favia feeding requirements. 

And of course, any potential problems you may come across. 

Keeping corals can be expensive. Especially if you don’t know what you are doing. I can’t stress enough how important is to research, and then research more before you even consider buying a coral for the first time. 

To make your journey easier and save you some time, I’ve made this complete guide. 

As I’ve said previously, in this post we’ll focus on one particular coral.

The Favia Coral. 

Without further ado let’s start. 

favia coral


Favia Coral Care

Favia commonly referred to as the Brain corals, Moon corals or Pineapple corals are LPS corals, growing in colonies in a wide range of habitats throughout both the Atlantic and Indo Pacific Ocean. 

Taking care of Favia corals is straightforward as long as you provide them proper conditions. 

But, what are the proper conditions you might be wondering? I’m glad you asked. 

Favia corals need pristine water as any other corals, however, they can tolerate poor conditions to some extent. That’s why they are perfect for beginners. 

But, like in everything, stability is the key. 

Make sure that you have stable levels of alkalinity and calcium in your tank. Especially when you keep LPS corals. Regular water changes are mandatory to replace depleted trace elements. 

These types of corals are popular for so many reasons. They are relatively inexpensive, easy to care for, and perfect beginner corals. 

It’s no surprise that everybody loves them. 

Favia Coral Placement & Lighting

Where to place Favia coral?

There are several things to consider when it comes to Favia coral placement.

First of all, they are aggressive corals, so you’ll need to figure out how much space you have in your tank, bearing in mind that they should be kept away from other corals.

Mostly because they tend to extend their sweeper tentacles during the night and can cause damage to other corals.

In the wild, Fava corals inhabit shallow waters, so they are not accustomed to high-intensity lighting.

However, they can be found in deeper waters too. How can you tell the difference? Usually, the corals from shallower waters have brighter colors and the ones from deeper waters more solid colors.

Favia Corals are adaptable to a wide range of lighting in home aquariums. If you like to have success in terms of lighting, start with placing them at the bottom of your tank. It’s a crucial part of acclimating the coral properly. And then over time slowly move them until you find the perfect place.

How can you know that your corals are doing well?

You can easily notice based on the colors they have in the ocean as I’ve mentioned previously. If their tissue coloration is getting brighter move them at the bottom at the tank. If it is darker, it needs more light. It’s simple as that.

Favia Corals need moderate water flow. Too much flow can damage the coral, and too little can cause detritus to build up.

Favia Coral Feeding & Growth 

There are two types of reef hobbyists. Those that feed their LPS corals regularly and those that feed them occasionally. 

And both ways are correct. I’ll tell you why. 

We know that corals are photosynthetic animals. That means that their source of food is from the lights in your reef tank. At least one of them. Through a symbiotic relationship with marine algae, called zooxanthellae, these types of corals get most of the necessary nutrients. 

So if you have a lighting system in your tank, which you should definitely need to, you are covered. At least for the bare needs of the coral. 

But, if you want to see your corals thrive in your tank, you need to consider additional feeding. 

With regular feedings, you’ll notice faster growth, better colors and better overall health of the coral. 

Favia corals are well known for their prey capture abilities. At night they extend their sweeper tentacles and can harm corals near them. 

These types of corals will accept most of the coral foods on the market. Mysis shrimp, scallops or diced fish, are all great food for Favia corals. Just make sure you feed them in smaller pieces. It’s easier to digest. 

And make sure that you are not overfeeding. Too much uneaten food can pollute the tank in no time.

In addition, they will absorb other elements or food particles from the water column. 

Final Thoughts 

There is something satisfying and relaxing about keeping corals. Maybe it feels like bonding with nature. 

Or their attractive colors amaze us. Who knows. But, one thing I am sure. 

Whether you are a beginner or intermediate aquarist, I am confident that you will enjoy taking care of this coral. 

Featured Image: Kelly McCarthy CC BY 2.0 

1 thought on “Favia Coral: Care, Placement, Lighting (Complete Guide)”

  1. Regarding the statement that “in the wild favia is usually found in shallow waters and is NOT accustomed to higher lighting” shouldn’t be the opposite? Shallow water = high lighting?


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